Monday, June 4, 2012

Google AdWords Certification Tips

If you’re interested in becoming Google AdWords certified you’ve come to the right site. As SEO – SEM Manager it was mandatory that I took and passed the AdWords Certification Exam. While it was admittedly difficult in the begging to piece together all of the information I needed, I’m confident that anyone can replicate my success with the same tools and attitude. In this Blog I will explain my method and give you all the tips I used to successfully pass the certification exams.

The Fundamentals Exam
The first exam, the Google Advertising Fundamentals, is pretty straightforward and if you have put in some hours studying the materials, it is not difficult. Make sure you are familiar with Google AdWords technical words and how to structure a campaign.

The Advanced Exam
After the fundamentals exam, Google let’s you choose between three different, more advanced exams. I chose the Search Advertising Exam because it included a lot of the same material as the first one. I recommend putting in many hours of reading carefully through the online materials.

If you plan on taking the Search Advertising Advance Exam instead of one of the other three options, you will have the benefit of a lot of overlap in the study material, so one you know the fundamentals material it’s easier to focus your studying efforts on those few sections that are solely on the advanced exam.

Put close attention to the following lessons:
4.5 Location Extensions (Google Places)
5.1 Overview of Bidding
6.2 Ad and Site Quality
6.3 Invalid Clicks Issues
10.2 AdWords Editor
11.3 Conversion Tracking Basics
14.2 Managing Accounts with My Client Center (MCC)
14.3 Using AdWords API

Taking the Test
When you actually take the test, I recommend taking the two exams on consecutive days. The tests are 120 minutes each and you need to obtain 85% and 80% score respectively. Good luck and if you need information about the actual questions on the exams send me an email J  

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