Using social media for Advertising is cost-saving for companies and it makes easy to be in touch with customers or industries. Traditional advertising promotes messages to unwitting audiences. On the other hand, social media advertising seeks interested people who want to hear from a company with compelling content, products and conversations.
Companies using social media for Advertising need to be in it for the long haul. The use of social media to advertise a company is a commitment and you have to put value in being authentic, respectful and responsive. Successful social media ad campaigns are by no means traditional, which means standard display or contextual ads should be avoided unless they're devised to be entertaining. Try, for example, online video ads
With social media, the advertiser must also accept less conversion-driven results, instead tracking interaction measurement standards, such as content contribution (the volume of comments/reviews/posts), content use/Web mentions (google alerts), social bookmarking/sharing (delicious, Digg, google|Bookmarks) subscriptions (RSS feeds, e-mail), and engagement metrics (unique visitors, page views, time spent on site, depth and frequency of visits, etc.)
A high number of business owners are looking into the possibility of blogging as a form of marketing for their business. However, since most businesses take place offline there is a concern as to if the time put into blogging will have a positive impact for the business. The thing to remember about a blog is that it is, in essence, a platform for communication and community building.
Now, the Question is: Can a blog Be Useful for Social Media Campaign?
The importance of communication in marketing is not anything new. Offline businesses have done direct mailings for years, so the idea of providing routine, free information and using it as a promotional vehicle is likely not news to anybody. However, the idea of building a community around your business is a newer concept. It is a concept that really has not come about until social media began taking off and people started realizing the power of conversation to build “buzz”. You can use a blog to build a mailing list and to invite comments from your readers. And, by using the blog to form a two-way communication platform with your followers, you are developing a relationship which turns them into a potential customer for your business.
Blogs offer your offline business a worldwide audience. You can publish information and disperse it to a lot of people for free. So, can a blog be useful for online Marketing? Absolutely. In this day and age, any business website which is completely static could be considered by many a waste. Therefore, it is important to set up a blog on your business’s website.
Traditional business owners probably don’t realize just how much they would out-do their competition if they would invest to increase their internet presence and build relationships using social media. You could increase the brand awareness and revenue tremendously because most businesses have no idea of the power of the internet for their business or how to go about increasing their online presence.
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